Russian Federation
The article discusses the possibilities of using artificial intelligence technologies in teaching English by comparing ChatGPT and Twee resources. The study describes the advantages of the Twee resource, which successfully performs the tasks of composing questions and creating tests based on videos, as well as generates tasks to test reading skills and knowledge of grammar and vocabulary. He is also able to formulate detailed essay topics for personalized elaboration of the studied topics. Comparison of this resource with ChatGPT revealed a number of advantages of the latter. Among them: the possibility of simplifying texts in order to adapt them to work with lower levels of students, as well as the creation of various types of tasks and tests on a given topic. Among the identified shortcomings of ChatGPT, it is worth noting the inability to work with videos, as well as the lack of Internet access. When choosing a service, you should take into account the advantages and disadvantages of each, described below, and carefully double-check the exercises created by artificial intelligence.
ChatGPT, Twee, chatbot, neural networks, artificial intelligence, digital technologies in teaching
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