Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of the semantics of food in the novel "The Stranger" by the modern Russian-speaking writer M. Fry. The language of the novel, written in the fantasy genre, is full of good humor and irony. Vivid images of food are plot-forming, revealing the nature of the characters and their interactions. To systematize the linguistic expression of food in the novel "Stranger", a frame model was created consisting of four slots reflecting the logical sequence of cooking and eating: "Products", "Cooking", "Food", "Absorption of food". Quantitative analysis showed a clear predominance of food names and the process of its absorption. Syntagmatic analysis allowed us to conclude about the high positive expressiveness of the vocabulary used by the author when describing food.

modern literature, M. Fry, image of food, frame, expressive vocabulary, fantasy
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