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Abstract (English):
The article presents an understanding of the essence of marketing, taking into account its increased role in the management of employees. The subject of the article is the concept of personnel management and the connection between personnel marketing, human resource marketing, and human capital marketing. The purpose of the article is to analyze the genesis of employees marketing and develop a definition of the human capital marketing concept. Methods of analysis of theoretical sources, systematization and generalization of previously published results are used. The article systemizes the employee marketing elements depending on the concept of personnel management. The author’s vision of the essence of human capital marketing is given. The perception of the organization’s management of people in the organization through the prism of human capital marketing builds an attitude towards employees as internal clients, sources of the company’s assets; candidates for vacant positions are viewered as potential consumers. The article is part of the research conducted by the authors over the past years.

employees, management aspects, marketing, personnel marketing, components of personnel marketing, human resources marketing, personnel management, human capital
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