Moscow State University
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The relevance of the presented studies is determined by the blocking, as a result of the implementation of anti-Russian Western sanctions, of a significant part of the international logistics trajectories traditional for Russia, which requires the formation of new logistics routes in the interests of the country's foreign economic activity. The purpose of the presented work is to find ways to build new foreign trade logistics trajectories, at least not inferior in their capabilities to international logistics routes that existed before the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions. The scientific novelty of this work lies in the development of an integral criterion for the efficiency of transport infrastructure for international logistics trajectories under construction, taking into account estimates of the following characteristics of new international logistics channels under construction: throughput, construction costs, operating costs, quality of logistics services, expected reliability of a new international logistics channel. The practical significance of the results obtained lies in the possibility of their use in choosing rational options for the construction of new international logistics trajectories.
development, integral criterion, transport infrastructure efficiency, international logistics trajectories under construction
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