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Abstract (English):
The purpose of the article is to determine the role of the regions, in particular, the Far East, in the geostrategic projects of Russia. In the context of a significant complication of the foreign policy positions of the Russian Federation, the development of a state geopolitical concept that takes into account, in addition to the problems that have become traditional, the complexity of regional issues is of particular importance. In preparing the article, the principles of the system method were mainly used. The macroregions of modern Russia are considered in the unity of geopolitical, geographical, socio-cultural, economic and other determinants. The article discusses the specifics of the Russian Far East and the reasons for the increased interest in it at the present stage. The process of formation of new forms of internal regionalization is not spontaneous. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the ongoing processes of regionalization of both the Russian Federation and the PRC, other neighboring states with taking into account the peculiarities of regional geopolitics. In conclusion, the author substantiates the position that the Far Eastern region is important both in terms of resources and in building a system of national and regional security. The practical and theoretical significance of the work lies in the fact that the macro-region of the Russian Far East acquires strategic importance for the states of the Asia-Pacific region and the Pacific, and, therefore, the identification of their interests and opportunities for cooperation is important for further research and for the development of practical policies at both the federal and regional levels.

geopolitics, region, regional geopolitics, Far East, cooperation
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