«DNA of Russia» project (Scientific Director)
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 338.242.4 Государственное вмешательство в рыночную экономику
The purpose of this work is the author's assessment of the measures taken by the authorities aimed at the formation of technological sovereignty as part of a new economic and political model of society. The article is based on the principles of system analysis, the methods of factor analysis and logical modeling are also used. Based on the theoretical and empirical studies conducted, it is shown that technological sovereignty is a relatively new category, the study of which should be carried out at the intersection of political and economic sciences. In economic terms, technological sovereignty is based on the ability of the state to create critical, promising technologies and organize production based on them. It is revealed that the formation of technological sovereignty requires state participation in the economy. In particular, in such areas as planning technological and industrial development, identifying priority areas of research and production and forming a list of critical technologies, financing priority areas and projects, creating institutional conditions for technological development, protecting national researchers and manufacturers, developing science and education, etc. The analysis showed that currently work has begun in the country in almost all these areas, but most often not actively enough. It is concluded that these aspects of state participation can be represented as elements of an emerging new economic model that strengthens the regulatory role of the state in the economy, while preserving the basic principles and niches for market relations.
new economic model, critical technologies, planning, state corporation
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