from 01.01.1998 until now
Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
The study of the phenomenon of "social intelligence" in foreign and domestic psychology was discovered unexpectedly. In a generalized view, the concept under study is considered as a complex structural formation, including a set of abilities aimed at establishing interpersonal relationships; as a personal formation, regardless of general intelligence and associated with a specific activity. Recently, there has been an opinion about social intelligence as a clear and compatible group of mental abilities associated with the processing of social information, i.e. evaluating the level of adequacy and effectiveness of interaction. It should be noted that a special explanation is required of the relationship of intelligence as a cognitive ability linked to personality traits; intelligence and propensity to adapt to new expectations and events of the wedding, as well as the connection of intelligence, processes of self-regulation and control of the locus. Separately, theoretical and applied understanding of the specific features of a student of generation Z is necessary when designing the conditions for the development of social intelligence in the educational process of higher education.
social intelligence, generation Z, social adaptation, self-regulation, locus of control
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