Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Vocabulary is the basis of the language, and the most important part of learning is the ability to understand and reproduce lexical units. The proposed article emphasizes that the language activity corresponding to the lexical approach in teaching foreign languages should be based on raising students' awareness of the lexical nature of the language. In the presented work, the characteristics of the correlations of the graphic appearance of similar English and Russian words are given, the concepts of direct and indirect correlation of similar words, the concept of polysemy in similar words are defined. Cases are indicated when a polysemantic word does not always correspond in its meaning to a similar Russian word and situations when English similar words cannot be translated into Russian by similar related words, since the semantics of these similar words has received somewhat different development in English and Russian.
foreign language communicative competence, lexical approach, graphics and semantics of similar words, indirect semantic connections, semantic equivalents and differentiations
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