Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article discusses the significance of the events in the development of the tourism industry and in the formation of the image of the regions. It is noted that the regional tourism authorities in the search for new forms of PR-activity are beginning to use the possibility of the development of event tourism. The Belgorod region is no exception. Event tourism in the Belgorod region is in its infancy. The article highlights the most important events taking place in the territory of the Belgorod region. Despite the apparent activity in this area, a lot of the activities that take place in the regions of our country can hardly be attributed to the field of event tourism. For the most part, it this local events that do not have good policies to promote them, often missing factor of the cyclicity and regularity of their carrying out, not always takes place getting revenue and efficiency of their organization. A lot of events are not generating the tourist flow, because focused on the inhabitants of the territory, rather than tourists. In order to these activities moved into the category of event and would attract tourists to the region, it is necessary to consolidate the efforts of specialists in various spheres, including the sphere of public communication, culture, tourism, regional authorities to solution the urgent tasks of development of event tourism and creating a positive image of Russian regions. The result of this interaction must be not just the festival events but new event tourism products, which will create effect of immersion of tourists in the atmosphere of celebration and will be the points of tourist attraction. With the right approach to the organization of event tourism products successfully solves the problem of socio-cultural formation of the image of the region, not only domestically, but also abroad, and as a consequence, increases the tourist flow and the financial inflow of participants of the tourist market.

event management, event tourism, touristic potential, the region, the image of the region, Belgorod region

Развитию туристкой отрасли способствуют меняющиеся потребительские предпочтения со стороны туристов, в ответ на которые представители туриндустрии и другие субъекты рынка должны разработать способы их удовлетворения. Сегодняшний турист - уже далеко не тот турист, который был несколько лет назад, удовлетворенный посещением музея, картинной галереи или просто посетивший паломнические места. Современному туристу нужны вовлеченность, яркие впечатления, возможность окунуться и прочувствовать реальность той эпохи, того времени, о котором он хотел бы узнать во время путешествия и посещения экскурсионных мест. Удовлетворение туристского спроса и дальнейшее развитие туристкой сферы переме-


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