Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet imeni M. V. Lomonosova
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The relevance of the presented study is due to the complication of market dynamics, which in turn complicates both the processes of marketing research as a form of studying the dynamics of market business processes, and the processes of making managerial decisions based on them. In order to improve the tools of marketing activities as a component of the organization's management, a classification of marketing research methods is presented according to the following criteria: places of research, frequency of research, market coverage, composition of objects of observation, methods of obtaining information and regularity of attracting the audience. Analyzed the main stages of marketing research. The scientific novelty of the presented research lies in the presentation of an extended version of the classification of management decision-making methods used in the implementation of marketing research, and the practical significance of the results lies in highlighting the features of the application of the presented management decision-making methods in the process of marketing research.
development, marketing research methods, tools, applied direction of management, management decision making
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