Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The relevance of the presented study lies in the fact that in the context of global economic crises, which fully include the crisis of the 2020s, which also affected the national economy, the importance of the orientation of all economic complexes towards demand, which falls during the crisis due to a decrease in purchasing power, increases. consumers. At the same time, this trend fully applies to production logistics. The purpose of the presented studies is to explore the possibilities of using conceptual approaches to the organization of demand-driven production logistics (DDT) by domestic enterprises in overcoming the current macroeconomic crisis. The scientific novelty of the results obtained lies in determining the features of the use in modern macroeconomic conditions of conceptual approaches to the organization of demand-oriented production logistics (DDT), including: the concept of rapid response to demand (QR), the concept of continuous replenishment of stocks (CR), the concept of automatic replenishment of stocks (AR), reorder point concept (RBR). The practical significance of the results obtained lies in the formation of proposals for adapting technologies for implementing approaches to the organization of demand-oriented production logistics (DDT) in the interests of ensuring the effectiveness of their use in the context of a macroeconomic transition from the fifth technological order to the sixth.

conceptual approaches, organization of production logistics, demand orientation
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