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Abstract (English):
An integral part of the process of globalization is the imposition of the values of "Western civilization" on other nations and nationalities, which hardly not cease to be "personalities of humanity", losing their own identity, their individuality, their flavor. This process can be countered by close attention to the native language, which is not only a means of communication, but also reflects the spirit of the people, forms their worldview, stores cultural and historical information, in a word, "leads a person" (M. Heidegger). Linguists have repeatedly written about this (V. von Humboldt, F.I. Buslaev), philosophers (M. Heidegger, A.F. Losev), writers and teachers. The pedagogical aspect of this problem is currently extremely relevant.

Globalization, native language, language as the spirit of the people, linguistic picture of the world, V.G. Belinsky, V. von Humboldt, F.I. Buslaev, K.D. Ushinsky, I.S. Turgenev
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1. Belinskiy V.G. Vzglyad na russkuyu literaturu 1846 goda. Vzglyad na russkuyu literaturu 1847 goda. - M.: Gos. izd-vo hudozh. lit., 1955. - 184 s.

2. Buslaev F.I. O prepodavanii otechestvennogo yazyka. Ucheb. posobie dlya ped. institutov. M.: Prosveschenie, 1992. - 511 s.

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7. Losev A.F. Bytie. Imya. Kosmos / Sost. i red. A. A. Taho-Godi. M.: Mysl', 1993. - 958 s.

8. Ramishvili G.V. Vil'gel'm fon Gumbol'dt - osnovopolozhnik teoreticheskogo yazykoznaniya // Gumbol'dt V.fon Izbrannye trudy po yazykoznaniyu: Per. s nem. / Obschaya red. G.V.Ramishvili. - M.: Progress, 2000. - S. 5-33.

9. Turgenev I.S. Poln. sobr. soch.: V 30 t. Soch.: V 12 t. 1978-1986. - M.: Nauka,1982. - T.10. - 607 s.

10. Ushinskiy K.D. Rodnoe slovo // Sobr. soch.: V 11 t. - M.-L.: APN RSFSR, 1948. - T. 2. - S. 554-574.

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