Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the study is an integration approach in the implementation of current business risk management problems through a new management technology that is becoming increasingly in demand in Russian practice. Research objectives: the theoretical provisions of the unit economy composition are substantiated; the indicators for assessing the business at the stage of creation are determined; the influence of the unit economy as an integral part of the business model is disclosed in order to ensure the viability of client–oriented entrepreneurship. Results and practical significance. The presented research reveals the theoretical foundations and reveals the specific features inherent in the unit-economy system. Determines the economic content of the indicators of the new management model and the relationship between them. Practical approaches to the use of unit economics in the conditions of economic crisis are illustrated and the connection of unit economics with the management accounting system is substantiated. The work uses general scientific methods, in particular, the method of systematization and critical evaluation, practical methods of generalization and system reasoning. The historical prerequisites for the emergence of the unit economy are determined. The methodological features of the unit-economy, which formalized it into an independent management technology, are revealed. The results obtained reflect the scientific novelty: the provisions that explain the use of unit economics as an integral part of the business model in a crisis economy are substantiated and the procedures for further development of new management technology for the purpose of efficiency and stimulation of entrepreneurial activity are predicted. The results of the study can be used as recommendations on business risk management in practical activities by entrepreneurs, as well as a theoretical basis for further research on this topic.

unit-economics, income, expenses, conversion, leads, financial result, management technology, economic solution, business model

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