Moscow, Russian Federation
The subject of the article is the main question of philosophy and the methodological analysis of its solutions: objective idealism, subjective idealism, materialism, dualism. The content and methodological features of each of these concepts are disclosed. The possibility and necessity of developing a new approach to solving the main issue of philosophy is shown. It consists in the synthesis of objective and subjective idealism into a new integral philosophy, where subjective and objective idealism harmoniously complement each other. Objective idealism is the most complete and consistent theory of the ontological aspect of the main issue of philosophy, and subjective idealism is its epistemological side. The conceptual foundation of this integral philosophy is the level theory of objective and subjective reality and the constructivist theory of cognition. From the standpoint of the new philosophy, materialism is too narrow a theory in the field of ontology and untenable in the field of epistemology. The main defects of dualistic philosophy are its contradiction with common sense and inability to explain the enormous successes of the practical application of science.
the main question of philosophy, idealism, materialism, dualism, being, consciousness
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