Russian Federation
Lomonosov Moscow State University (Main researcher)
Moscow, Russian Federation
The article reveals the pluralistic structure of modern scientific knowledge: qualitatively different fields of scientific knowledge in ontology and methodology, levels and types of scientific knowledge. Among the fields of scientific knowledge, there are five main ones: mathematics, natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and technical sciences. These are the largest taxa of the structure of scientific knowledge. To the neo-kantian classification of the natural sciences and the spiritual sciences, the authors add mathematics and technical sciences as equally independent fields of scientific knowledge, as well as natural sciences and socio-humanities. To the empirical and theoretical levels of knowledge traditionally fixed in the structure of any science, the authors add two more levels of scientific knowledge: the level of sensory knowledge and the level of metatheoretical knowledge. The basis for the allocation of these levels of scientific knowledge is a qualitatively different ontology and methodology of each of them. Equally important units of the pluralistic structure are the structures of scientific knowledge are functionally opposite types of scientific knowledge: analytical and synthetic knowledge, a posteriori and a priori, discursive and intuitive, initial and deductive, fundamental and applied.
scientific knowledge, structure of scientific knowledge, area of scientific knowledge, kinds of the scientific knowledge
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