Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
This article discusses the main communicative qualities of speech in historical coverage. The theory of communicative qualities of speech has a fundamental historical and scientific tradition. The evolution of this theory testifies to the formation of an original terminology that calls the qualities and characteristics of speech in different words: perfection, properties, conditions, requirements, advantages, etc.. In modern science, there is a focus on the ten communicative qualities highlighted by B.N. Golovin, although almost every qualitative adjective can be metaphorically correlated with speech. Russian Linguistics The purpose of this article is to show the richness of the characteristics of the main communicative qualities of speech, which has developed in the process of the evolutionary development of Russian philological science, starting from classical Russian rhetoric to modern theories of speech culture and effective communication.
communicative qualities of speech, rhetoric, dignity of speech, perfection of speech, correctness, purity, accuracy, clarity
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