from 01.01.2015 to 01.01.2019
Balashiha, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 10 Философия
Confidence in the methods of cognition is based on the availability of reliable data that confirm their applicability and fidelity. However, when we analyze in more detail the motives behind rational actions, we find that they are based on one unchangeable goal - a person and his irrational needs. In this context, the rational approach is deeply woven into the irrational system. When the goal of scientific knowledge is not reduced to the satisfaction of a person, scientific knowledge itself becomes his goal. However, it should be noted that scientific knowledge exists and flourishes only in the context of society. It is the result of interaction between scientists, exchange of ideas, verification and confirmation of hypotheses. Therefore, in order to understand and explain the world in which we live, it is necessary to take into account the social environment and complex interactions between people. Without a detailed study of the human psyche and understanding of its needs and motivations, any knowledge remains superficial and only serves itself. The human psyche plays an important role in the formation and perception of knowledge. Research in psychology and psychiatry helps us better understand how we perceive the world, make decisions and interact with each other. Thus, in order to fully understand and apply knowledge, it is necessary to take into account both rational and irrational aspects of human nature, as well as the relationship between scientific knowledge and the social environment. This will help us develop a deeper and fuller understanding of the world and our own capabilities and limitations.
consciousness, subconsciousness, rational knowledge, sensory knowledge, imaginative thinking, sensory universal determinants, frame, house.
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