The author studies the composition of international crime as a legal phenomena. Subject to analysis are separate elements of corpus delicti of international crime and , in particular, actus reus, mens rea and subject of crime. The signs of actus reas are either an act exclusively or a totality of acts, consequences thereof and relationships between them. Mens rea of international crimes, as a rule, is associated with a particularity of a crime. An optional element here may be the objective, aim of a crime. Subject of international crime are physical persons. In national penal laws of certain states juridical persons may be subjects of criminal responsibility. A state may be a subject of international crime, but may not be a subject of responsibility.
International crime, corpus delicti, actus reus, mens rea.
1. Bantekas I., Susan N. International Criminal Law. L., 2003.
2. Naumov A. V., Kibal´nik A. G., Orlov V. N., Volosyuk P. V. Mezhdunarodnoe ugolovnoe pravo. M., 2013.