Russian Federation
The article highlights the issues of the formation and development of the prosecutor's office. The specifics of the prosecutor's supervision over the implementation of labor legislation and the use of prosecutorial response measures in order to protect the labor rights of citizens from a historical and legal perspective are studied. The author analyzes various topical aspects of the social significance of the activities of the prosecutor's office in order to prevent violations in the field of labor legislation, as well as the restoration of the rights of citizens whose labor rights have been violated. As a result of historical, legal and comparative analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that despite the formation of the prosecutor's office in Russia in 1722, for the first time the powers of the prosecutor in civil proceedings were established by the Civil Procedure Code of the RSFSR in 1923. The introduction of the post of specialized prosecutors contributed to the most effective protection of workers' rights. The analysis of historical experience gives grounds to assert that at present, during the implementation of human rights activities by the prosecutor's office, it is necessary to use the entire range of measures of the prosecutor's response in order to increase the effectiveness of the work carried out by the prosecutor's office in this area. The novelty of the work lies in a comprehensive analysis of the protection of labor rights by the prosecutor's office in Russia in evolutionary development. The purpose of the work: to investigate the formation and development of the institute of prosecutorial supervision over the implementation of labor legislation in the period from 1923 to the present. When writing the work, the author actively used the historical-legal, comparative method, formal-logical methods (analysis, synthesis).
Senate, Russian Prosecutor's Office, judicial reform of 1864, Council of People's Commissars, Decree on the court, Supreme Court of the USSR, maternity protection, child protection, factory inspection
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