Russian Federation
Russian Federation
The article describes the content of the discipline "Methods of statistical analysis", developed for the preparation of postgraduate students of the Moscow State Academy of Physi-cal Culture in the scientific specialty 5.8.7. "Methodology and technology of vocational educa-tion". The relevance substantiated and the tasks of the discipline defined. Methods of statistical analysis that are effective for the specified specialty are given, and features of statistical pro-cessing of data from pedagogical research are noted. The specifics of the issues under consider-ation and the volume of the studied material are reflected in the main learning outcomes (to know, to be able, to master), which graduate students must demonstrate during certification in the discipline.
methods of statistical analysis in pedagogy, statistical processing of pedagogical research data, automated data processing, federal state requirements
1. Monografiya: «Teoreticheskie i metodicheskie osobennosti komp'yu-ternogo kontrolya i korrektsii sportivnoy tekhniki» [Monograph: «Theoretical and methodological features of computer control and correction of sports equipment»]. Malakhovka: MGAFK Publ., 2021. 212 p.
2. Shul'gin G. E., Furaev A. N. Aktualizatsiya rabochey programmy distsipliny «Avtomatizirovannye sistemy obrabotki dannykh» v sootvet-stvii trebovaniyam tsifrovoy ekonomiki [Actualization of the work program of the discipline «Automated data processing systems» in accordance with the requirements of the digital economy]. Standarty i monitoring v obrazovanii [Standards and monitoring in education.]. 2022, I. 4, pp. 39-44. DOI: