Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The issues of optimal organization of the functioning of complex organized systems are within the competence of management subjects who need a problem-oriented tool in the form of models of analysis and synthesis of organization structures. The article considers the approach to the synthesis of the optimal composition of the mobile complex, as a sub-system of a complex organized critical system. The task of completing a mobile complex with the optimal composition of telecommunication equipment for servicing and repairing facilities is formulated. A mathematical model of the problem is proposed. The model is classified as a multi-index open assignment task with invalid assignments. This type of task relates to linear programming transport problems. Methods of bringing the problem to a closed type are considered, equivalent transformations of the assignment matrix are proposed, reducing the problem to a linear model. By entering additional constraints on the model, the effect of invalid assignments is taken into account. To implement a mathematical model, a solution method based on "greedy" algorithms has been proposed. The mathematical model is implemented in the form of a software application that showed the reliability of the results obtained, versatility and high resistance to changes in input data.

Complex organized systems, assignment problem, multi-index problem, open problem, problem with invalid assignments, optimization problems, transport problem, linear programming, assignment matrix, objective function, Hungarian method, Mack method, "greedy" algorithms.

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