Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
Tula, Tula, Russian Federation
The paper attempts to identify the main hidden socio-economic and economic factors in the development of modern Russia in recent years. At the first stage of the study, data from the Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (Rosstat) on the main socio-economic indicators for the period 2000–2021 were used. At the second stage of the study, to clarify the factors that determined the development of the economy in recent years, we used data from the Federal State Statistics Service of Russia (Rosstat) for the period 2019–2021 on employment, as well as data on gross value add-ed indices and the value of fixed assets for the main sectors of the economy. To identify the main hidden factors, factor analysis is used based on the method (mod-el) of principal components. The obtained research results indicate that the most im-portant role in the socio-economic development of modern Russia is played by the growth of national production and the well-being of the population in the conditions of natural decline and migration growth of the population. Changes in the sectoral structure of employment, the dynamics of gross value added, the value of fixed assets by industry indicate the inconsistency of development that combines industrial and post-industrial trends. The nature of the inconsistency may be related to the transitional processes taking place in the economy of modern Russia and requires additional research.
socio-economic indicators, sectorial structure, employment, fixed assets, gross value added, principal component method, transition processes, count radiations
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