Tver', Tver, Russian Federation
The article talks about the communicative tasks of the tactics of “Focusing attention” within the framework of the strategy of self-presentation in the educational discourse on the material of teaching foreign languages at the university. Aim. As the purpose of the study, a comprehensive study of the communicative tasks of the speech tactics of “Focusing attention” is highlighted based on the analysis of the discursive practices obtained in the context of the teaching type of discourse. In the work, the author gives his interpretation of this tactic, considers it from the positions of the speech-acting and lexico-semantic levels. Methodology. The author gives concrete examples obtained from the survey and analyzes the replicas from the point of view of the theory of speech acts and language explication based on four languages: English, Russian, German and French. The result of the study is a comprehensive description of the speech content of tactics “Focusing attention” in the situation of educational activity in the classroom, identifying lexical and semantic means of expressing this tactic. The scientific novelty of the proposed research consists in an attempt to fully present the solution of the communicative tasks of the speech tactic “Accentuation of attention” within the framework of the study of the academic discipline “Foreign Language” at the university and taking into account the strategy of self-presentation. The practical significance of the research lies in the possibility of applying the results obtained in the development of general and special courses on language theory, theory of speech influence, stylistics, pragmatics of speech communication, rhetoric, methods of teaching foreign languages.
self-presentation strategy, educational discourse, speech tactic, pragmatic tactic, «focusing attention», coordinated communication, communicative task
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