Duration of drying the birch veneer in the plywood production
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Abstract (English):
Despite the fact that currently there are a number of calculation formulas for determining the drying time of peeled veneer, they still cause difficulties for employees of plywood enterprises. We have come to the conclusion that these formulas can be greatly simplified. Moreover, it was necessary to find out the changes between the surface quality of the dried and raw veneer. The purpose of the work was to perform analytical calculations of the drying time of birch veneer of various thicknesses in plywood technology in relation to domestic drying equipment by simplifying the calculation formulas to make them easier for employees of plywood enterprises; to study the effect of the drying time of veneer on the production capacity of the enterprise; to study the surface quality of raw and dry veneer when drying it on domestic equipment in roller dryers. As a result of the research simple formulas were obtained that together with visual graphical dependences can significantly help employees of plywood enterprises; a close relationship between the drying time of veneer and the production capacity of a plywood enterprise is shown; the changes in the surface quality of raw veneer after drying in roller dryers are given.

plywood, birch veneer, veneer drying time, steam and gas dryers
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