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Abstract (English):
A comprehensive indicator of predicting the quality of planting material at the time of planting – the Dickson quality Index (DQI) – is currently widely represented in studies of the growth and development of forest crops, but is not limited to them. Based on the systematization of data to a depth of 10 years returned by the term [Scholar Query = "Dickson quality index"], on the dynamics of the Dickson quality index depending on the criteria of technological impact on seeds and seedlings (seedlings), a hierarchical classification was carried out using the method of the most distant neighbors to describe the similarity between the criteria. Data grouping was performed using the square of the Euclidean distance. The change in the DQI index in most cases can be approximated by a second-order polynomial. The technological impact on seeds before sowing on the basis of the convergence and difference method is significantly (p < 0.05) allocated to a separate cluster (the square of the Euclidean distance is 4), which suggests a possible contribution to the assessment of the quality of planting material using DQI. In future studies, it is planned to get an answer to the question: what effect does the separation of seeds by spectrometric properties have on the dynamics of the DQI index in the process of ontogenesis? How does the dimensionality of the ratio of plant height to the diameter of the root neck affect the accuracy of the DQI estimate?

Dickson quality index, DQI, forest seeds, seed spectrometric grading, seed pretreatment, seedling, plant, plant quality, artificial reforestation
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