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Abstract (English):
The article reveals the concept of worldview, its significance in every person`s life as an individual. The purpose of the study consists in considering the problem of worldview, based on the view of the students of the Far North. In accordance with the goal, the researchers were assigned the following tasks: disclosure of the concept and types of worldview, identifying their differences; definition of the problem of the emergence of a worldview in the context of changes and the origin of significant events in the political sphere; conducting a sociological survey among students from the Far North, to identify the main problematic issues concerning the variability of their worldview, as well as its stability; research of the work of the founder of Yakut literature, the first of the researchers of Yakutia, whose works occupy a significant place in the formation of the worldview of every inhabitant of the Far North. In the process of forming a worldview, a person faces limitationsthat is, with what we call distinctiveness, which implies nationality, religion, territory of residence, age, upbringing; in addition, at this stage, the formation of a political worldview takes place. The political worldview itself is associated with the individual's search for his place in the political or social sphere, which is manifested in the individual and subjective aspects of the political worldview, the peculiarity of which lies in the values of a particular society, where there is more often the influence of the dominant view. Such influence exists due to the hypertrophied authority of one person (or a limited circle of personalities). The arguments of these opinion leaders in favor of their own points of view are sometimes convincing to large masses of people. Also, people can perceive the beliefs of one person as their own, without an assessment of correctness or it own analysis, which in most cases is connected with the search for simple solutions. Choosing the path of a kind of "energy saving", people take on faith the opinion of another person who seems more competent. Based on the results of the study, in the second part of the work, the authors formulated some conclusions. In the mechanics of a difficult choice, when a decision is not made automatically, one of the reasons for uncertainty is highlighted: the instinctive resistance of a person, the feeling that he is going against himself, violating personal attitudes. Persuasion is a powerful tool not only for management, but also for strengthening the personal stability of the worldview. A leader with sufficiently developed persuasion skills is able to convince almost any opponent of the truth of his worldview.

worldview, politics, change, students, far north, representation, globalization
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