Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article analyzes the current economic situation in the Russian automotive industry. Possible solutions to the problems of the industry are considered. Different points of view on the definition of the essence of adaptive development of production management system are presented. The analysis of managerial measures, models of adaptive development implemented in the automotive industry under the conditions of anticonvolutionary restrictions and economic sanctions is offered. The first results of the domestic automotive industry in overcoming the negative effects of economic uncertainty are presented. The aim of the work is to determine the optimal approach in the adaptive development of automobile production in conditions of economic uncertainty. To implement the goal of the research, the following tasks were set: to analyze the current situation in the Russian automotive industry, to identify the main problems in its development, to consider ways of implementing adaptive development of auto production management and its results.

adaptive development, Russian automotive industry, management system, economic sanctions, economic uncertainty, import substitution

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