Russian Federation
This article examines the social-right thoughts of Russia in the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries regarding the "women's issue". It is noted that during this period, the problems of gender equality in legislation and in everyday life, restrictions on women's access to education, to engage in qualified professional work were actively discussed. Within the framework of this work, it is analyzed how ideas about the role of women have gradually changed in society. Women's health and development has become directly linked to the health and development of the future generation. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that the "women's issue" is analyzed in the context of conceptual approaches, theoretical ideas and ideas that have not lost relevance today. The purpose of the work: to consider the assessment of the "women's issue" in the works of lawyers, public figures and statesmen of the second half of the XIX – early XX centuries. When writing the work, the author actively used the historical-comparative method with elements of partial forecasting.
"women's issue", motherhood, childhood, labor protection, judicial protection, social charity, labor
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