Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the study of the worldview of modern youth as a key element of perception, setting the framework for perceiving reality, through the prism of which there is a perception and understanding of what is happening and acting as the ideological and semantic core of the image of the state. The authors consider the worldview in the system (triad) of the concepts of «worldview - image – perception», which make up the conceptual scheme of the article and are combined by a single perceptual mechanism. The authors focus on the dynamic nature of the phenomenon under study, the factors of its formation and modification in conditions of global instability, proxy wars, modern challenges and threats. The purpose of this article was to study the system of ideas, meanings and values, evaluative judgments of youth regarding the modern Russian state, the mechanism and factors of their formation in a spatial-temporal dimension. The conclusions of the article are based on the materials of three research sections (2019, 2021 and 2022), revealing the structural and meaningful features of the worldview of youth, the dynamics and trends of its development at the current stage. Through a cross-sectional analysis of survey data and an associative test, a generalized image of the modern Russian state, its value-worldview core, characteristics of social representations, as well as the general estimated background of perception were revealed. The political worldview of modern youth is characterized by a general positive orientation, pragmatism, sobriety and adequacy of assessments of the situation, risks and challenges, a vision of urgent problems, a rational and critical perception of the modern state and at the same time a mismatch of its elements, leading to a violation of the integrity of the worldview.

worldview, political consciousness, values, image of the state, perception, mechanism of perception
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