Russian Federation
UDK 32.019.52 Изучение общественного мнения
The focus of the work is one of the types of worldview – political ideology, more specifically, methodological problems of its research. Several classical theoretical approaches of political philosophy are analyzed by the criterion of two main elements of the scientific paradigm – the origin of the phenomenon of ideology and the methodology of the study of its political aspects. The scientific problem is to find an answer to the question: how can political science, which practically does not have its own research methods, study ideology as its object. The purpose of the work is to identify the main interdisciplinary methodological approaches to the study of ideological aspects of the worldview that political science uses in its subject field. To achieve it, the following tasks are solved: analysis of ideological concepts and theories of the political and philosophical direction; identification and systematization of those that are intended for the study of the political aspect of the ideological worldview; comparative analysis of the concepts of "worldview" and "ideology" based on the criterion of common and special elements of the structure; characteristics of the features of the study of ideology in the paradigm of political science and assessment of the prospects for the development of the methodology of its research. The main method is a comparative analysis of concepts and theories. The results reflecting a certain theoretical and practical contribution of the work are presented in a generalization of the most significant approaches of political science and in recommendations on the use of a combination of methods as a theoretical and methodological construct for the study of ideology as a worldview phenomenon.
worldview, ideology, political philosophy, political science, methodology, interdisciplinarity, ideological risks
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