Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The creation of a digital educational environment at universities, the transition to blended learning have revealed a problem associated with the discrepancy between traditional textbooks, automatically translated into electronic format, the needs of modern students, the peculiarities of their perception. The article proposes forms of educational content that use the possibilities of the digital environment available to students and activate their cognitive activity. Among the distinguishing features of modern students are focus on success, the desire to use knowledge “here and now”, multitasking, but at the same time, superficial attention, unwillingness to study long texts. As new interactive digital resources, the authors consider structural logic diagrams, interactive electronic textbooks, and training tests. The article describes the experience of creating such resources in the process of teaching mathematics to first-year bachelor students of the Financial University.

LMS Moodle, digital learning resources, teaching mathematics at the university, peculiarities of students’ perception

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