Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In this literature review, the authors examine the actual problem in dentistry - the modern criteria for evaluation of aesthetic results of orthopedic treatment, they analyze the main objectives of treatment to improve the aesthetic parameters, such as: restore the functions of mastication and speech formation, normalization aesthetic appearance and eliminating the negative impact of a partial or complete absence of teeth, and defects and deformities of the jaws that affect the mental state of the patient. Often, the desire to eliminate blemishes, enhance facial contours encourages patients to visit a dental clinic. Thus, the functional defects bother them less. Evaluation of aesthetic results is a very important problem in dental treatment, as because of violations of the communicative and social functions associated with the aesthetic perception of their own persons, patients in many cases, feel the psychological tension and discomfort, especially teenagers, children, women suffer from this. Often these patients turn in on themselve, their social circle is shrinking and interest in life decreases. Aesthetic dental defects of the mouth constrain open smile, people tend to speak slightly opening the lips, many people think that others are carefully looking out for their defects. Based on this problem the authors describe the basic criteria for evaluation of aesthetic results of dental treatment.

aesthetics, dentistry, aesthetic criteria of the results of treatment, smile.

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