The authors highlight the issues of creating a new system of public dentistry after the revolution of 1917, consider the decision of the Narkomzdrav of the RSFSR "On the organization of dental care in the Republic", they analyze the reform of the transition from private dentistry in Russia to the organization of free dental care. Organization of accounting and collecting information on available staffing privately practicing dentists and their material and technical equipment, as well as the issues of labor service dentists and dental technicians are considered. The article presents the process of nationalization of dental equipment ambulatory care in privately practicing dentists. The authors study the problems of mobilization of dentists to the front in the Red army, they highlight the role of Narkomzdrav of the RSFSR in the development of policies and guidelines for the establishment of a state dentistry and systematic financing of city departments to create and supply free dental clinics, as well as the problems of reform of the state organization of dentistry in the Soviet Republic. The au-thors show the changes affecting dental care because of the new economic policy. A review of documents of the state archive of the Voronezh region, which reflect the work of dental subsections of the Voronezh Region in the first years after the revolution, is presented. The authors conduct a detailed analysis of the dental work the sub-section on the establishment and organization of a network of dental clinics to provide free dental care to the population of the Voronezh province.
dentists, organization of free dental care, reform, labor service, nationalization of dental equipment.
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19. Arkhiv GAVO, fond №35, op.1, delo № 2918, l.l. 32.