The article presents the assessment the behavior of a nonlinear dynamic system of a micro-vascular channel of periodontal tissues in phase space by laser Doppler flowmetry. For this purpose, 62 patients aged 18-36 years were examined. The control group consisted of 20 healthy individuals without co-morbidities with intact periodontium. The 1st group was 20 patients with chronic catarrhal gingivitis of mild degree; the 2nd group consisted of 22 patients with chronic generalized periodontitis of mild degree. Assessment of the state of a non-linear dynamic system of periodontal tissues was performed by laser Doppler flowmetry, the device LACC-02 (SPE "LAZMA", Russia) and program 2.2.50 (SPE "LAZMA", Russia). Depending on the functional state of the microcirculation in periodontal tissues, phase portraits, reflecting the dynamic state of the nonlinear system were built. The analysis of phase portraits LDF – grams revealed the dysfunctional types characterizing an inflamma-tory process. It can be used in clinical practice as a method of functional monitoring and forecasting in patients after treatment.
gingivitis, periodontitis, laser Doppler flowmetry, attractor, the phase portrait of the nonlinear dynamics.
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