Syndrome connective tissue dysplasia most often in children is manifested by changes in the musculoskeletal system, including bone fractures. The high incidence of cardiac dysfunction is observed in this syndrome, as well as in the pathology of the thoracic spine. In this study, 79.9% of children with compression fractures of the spine had symptoms of connective tissue dysplasia, the most striking manifestations were presented by hyper-mobility of the joints, thinning and high elasticity of the skin, deformities of the lower extremities (p=0.01). These patients were significantly more frequent overgrowth, diseases of respiratory system and otolaryngology. These children (33.9%) had engaged in physical culture at school in full. The children with connective tissue dysplasia (35.1%) were engaged in sports sections, according to the survey, these sections are gymnastics, soccer, dance (r=0,01). In this group there were injuries on the lessons of physical culture and sports twice as often. The analysis of the ECG in these patients allowed the authors to reliably detect increased activity of the left ventricle syndrome and early repolarization of the ventricles (p=0.01). Currently, the latter phenomenon is of great interest in the study because it is considered as a predictor of ventricular and supra-ventricular arrhythmias.
connective tissue dysplasia, vertebral compression fractures, children, electrocardiogram
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