Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article is devoted to the research of position of students of Yaroslavl Demidov Juridical Lyceum in the second half of the XIX century, their educational activity, everyday life and service. During this period, the Juridical Lyceum converted from cameral in the course of one of the most important components of the era of the Great Reforms in Russia - the judicial reform of 1864, largely coincided with the functioning of the law faculties of the leading universities of the country. Liberal reforms of Alexander II gave the initial impulse to the organization and the formation of the student life of the Lyceum. However, on its existence reflected counterreform of Alexander III, manifested in the reconstruction and reinforcing the social-estate education bureaucracy. However, on its existence was reflected counter reforms of Alexander III, which was manifested in the reconstruction the social-estate education and reinforcing bureaucracy. Against this background, the author considers educational activity and household position Yaroslavl students. A major role in the financial support of students played the board of trustees of Yaroslavl Demidov Juridical Lyceum. It was manifested in the organization of free and reduced price meals of students, granting privileges in hiring accommodation and payment of stipends. All this allowed Demidov Lyceum overtake on certain indicators even metropolitan universities. Analysis of the lists of lyceum students shows that by social origins the vast majority among them are nobles, but there were among the students and people from clerical estate - the former seminarians, as well as children of minor officials and even peasants. However, about 50% of the students paid themselves for their education. However, about 50% of the students paid for their education by themselves. Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of position of students in the period under review show that the Yaroslavl Demidov Juridical Lyceum continued to develop successfully, helped by the efficient organization of the educational process and the establishment of a student service. Demidov Lyceum was the real source of legal personnel in Russia. As a result, the urban community and local authorities quite logical has put on the agenda the question of the transforming the Lyceum into University.

Yaroslavl Demidov Juridical Lyceum, students, board of trustees, legal education, educational process, service

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