The article describes the features of management of the population employment on the base of development of programs for promoting employment in terms of macroeconomic crisis and budget deficits. In this period of economic cycle are most exacerbated employment problems associated primarily with mass layoffs, with the reduction of vacancies, the spread of hidden forms of unemployment, the extension of the shadow economy and, therefore, the shadow employment, increase the free space, which is not used in the production, high unemployment, aggravation conflictness in the field of social and labor relations. The most effective way to solve these problems – is the development of programs of population employment promoting as a fundamental element state system of crisis management. The authors paid attention to the basic principles used in the development of programs and highlighted their importance in terms of turbulence and multi-directional processes occurring in the economy today. Program-oriented management of employment has significant advantages because allows to save investment while maximizing the results, which is particularly in demand in times of crisis. The authors in the article highlights the main features of the development of regional programs in the field of employment and makes suggestions for the regulation taking into account features of the crisis 2014-2016. The creation of new jobs in competitive enterprises that will ensure sustainable economic growth in the long term as a priority in management and funding is considered. The introduction of principle of comparative evaluation of competitiveness in the medium term with the including of companies in the list of participants in the program of the state anti-crisis support allows avoiding of irrational use of budget funds and will provide the strategic direction of anti-crisis measures.
population employment, labor market, state programs promoting population employment, cuts in budget expenditure, anti-crisis measures
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