Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article raises the question of the object of a bankruptcy crime. The major problem is the coincidence of the generic and specific objects of such crime. Such vagueness in the legislative regulation generates incoherent law enforcement and confusion in practice in cases of a bankruptcy crime. Besides it creates opportunities for the criminal law abuse in certain cases. The author suggests changing theoretical and legislative approaches to the definition of the specific object of bankruptcy crimes. In particular, a specific object of bankruptcy crimes should be identified according to the characteristic of an independent specific object of the crime, which will result in its significant elaboration for this type of crime, without changing the content and focus of the Special part of the Criminal code. The author considers the direct object of the bankruptcy crime that refers to the totality of social relations concerning legal protection of the statutory recognition of a debtor as a bankrupt, voluntary satisfaction of creditors’ claims, and proportional and priority distribution of the bankruptcy estate as a result of applying bankruptcy procedures, to be a matter of principle.

Crime, bankruptcy, object of crime.

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