Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The work is devoted to the author´s method of investigation of tactile sensitivity, within its stereognostic sense, implemented by means of the original three-dimensional figures. It describes the types and forms of figures, especially, the study of the process of multi-component sensory tactile sensitivity. The author gives are examples of the evaluation and interpretation of the results, comparison with clinical data and instrumental methods of research. Testing is conducted on 470 practically healthy subjects and 232 patients with physical, psycho-neurological, psychiatric pathology by means of electrophysiological studies (electroneuromyography, evoked potentials, rheoencephalography, rheovasography), neuroimaging (magnetic resonance imaging).The proposed method of the study can be used for various types of medical examination (medical, military-medical, medical and social). It allows to carry out a differential - tentative diagnosis of several diseases (damage to the central and peripheral nervous systems, post-traumatic, vertebrogenic, endocrine, vascular, psychosomatic, psychiatric genesis of occupational diseases). The advantages of the technique are the adequacy assessment of the dynamics of the disease during treatment and (or) rehabilitation applicability in ambulatory - polyclinic con-ditions. The method can be used for the purpose of professional selection and vocational guidance, including in professions that demand a great deal of difficult-coordinated fine manipulative actions, an important component of which is tactile sensory afferentation (watch plants, jewelry businesses).

tactile sensitivity, medical examination, assessment of the effectiveness of rehabilitation.

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