Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Relevance. Social workers perform most socially important and constantly demanded job: bear personal responsibility for life and health, children’s education, cultural education, assistance to needy citizens. Human development - a key indicator of the social policy of the state institutions at the federal and regional level. Object. Health care system as an object of social policy in the development of human potential. The subject matter. Specificities and regional characteristics of quality of life. Public health as one of the most important indicators of quality of life and human development. Regional health system. Regional health development programs and «road maps» for its improvement and optimization. «Road map» as an economic category, reflecting the totality of relations in the social sphere on the provision of public and municipal services at the federal, regional and municipal level. Purpose. Formation of an effective health care system in the social, economic, organizational and practical aspects of functioning. Theoretical analysis. «Road map» designed to lag - five years. During this period should be provided the transition to financial planning and health care payment on a uniform system of clinical and statistical groups, thus eliminating the standards of care. At the same time completely eliminated the old forms of payment for gross figures - bed and visiting day, leading to inefficient spending on the health care system. At the federal level designed twelve state programs under the title «A new quality of life». Program of state guarantees the provision of free medical care to citizens includes modernization of a number of conditions: standard volume of medical care in a hospital is calculated on the basis of a single case of hospitalization; introduction into circulation averaged index standard volume of medical rehabilitation program for basic MLA; planned gradual reduction of expenses for medical care in a hospital with an increase in expenditures for medical care outside of health facilities; development of forms, methods and techniques of state control the quality of services; develop a mechanism and forms of public oversight; introduction of the institution of social control, expressed in the opinions of patients registered on the work of relevant institutions; included in the methodology for assessing compliance with the quality of public services actually approved quality standards in the context of each region; establishment average wages of nurses, at the level of the average monthly wage for the respective region; increase the wages of workers with higher education by 2018 to two times the average salary in the subject of the Russian Federation.

healthcare system, social policy, human potential, roadmaps, social sphere.

1. Активизация социальной политики

В 2012 г. Президентом Российской Федерации и правительством Российской Федерации были обозначены ключевые направления новых преобразований социальной сферы страны. Поступательное развитие в этом направлении происходило и раньше, в то же время принятие указов Президента Российской Федерации от 7 мая 2012 г. придало новый импульс развитию страны и ориентиры дальнейших преобразований. При этом были обозначены конкретные показатели, которые должны использоваться как базовые при разработке проектов документов по реализации указов [Яковлев, 2013, 17, с. 84–92].

Впервые в новейшей истории во главу угла поставлен человеческий потенциал [Мищук, Аносова, 2014, 11]. Работники социальной сферы выполняют наиболее общественно важную и постоянно востребованную работу: несут личную ответственность за жизнь и здоровье людей, образование детей, культурное просвещение, содействие нуждающимся гражданам. Однако только сейчас, после 20 лет реформ, государство вышло на уровень своих возможностей, ресурсов бюджета, чтобы начать двигаться к повышению качества жизни работников социальной сферы, что должно повлечь за собой повышение качества оказываемых ими государственных и муниципальных услуг [Бобков, Волгин, Курильченко, 2014, 8, с. 29–35].


1. Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva Rossijskoj Federacii ot 18 oktyabrya 2013 goda № 932 «O Programme gosudarstvennyh garantij besplatnogo okazaniya grazhdanam medicinskoj pomoshchi na 2014 god i na planovyj period 2015 i 2016 godov» [Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 18, 2013 № 932 «On the Program of the state guarantees the free provision of medical care to citizens in 2014 and the planned period 2015 and 2016»].

2. Federal´nyj zakon ot 02.12.2013 № 349-FZ «O federal´nom byudzhete na 2014 god i na planovyj period 2015 i 2016 godov» [].

3. Rasporyazhenie Pravitel´stva RF ot 28.12.2012 goda № 2599-r (red. ot 31.10.2013) «Ob utverzhdenii plana meropriyatij («dorozhnoj karty») «Izmeneniya v otraslyah social´noj sfery, napravlennye na povyshenie ehffektivnosti zdravoohraneniya» [Federal Law of 02.12.2013 № 349-FZ «On the Federal Budget for 2014 and the planning period of 2015 and 2016»].

4. Rasporyazhenie Pravitel´stva RF ot 28.12.2012 goda № 2599-r (red. ot 31.10.2013) «Ob utverzhdenii plana meropriyatij («dorozhnoj karty») «Izmeneniya v otraslyah social´noj sfery, napravlennye na povyshenie ehffektivnosti zdravoohraneniya» [The Order of the Government of the Russian Federation from 28.12.2012, № 2599-r (ed. By 31.10.2013) «Approval of the Action Plan (« roadmap «)» Changes in the social sphere, aimed at improving public health´]

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7. Available at: www.rosminzdrav.ru

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