Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The nationwide trend of improving public authorities’ efficiency has put the education system under new performance conditions — commitment of educational institutions to improve their efficiency. The article describes methodological aspects of evaluating educational organizations, identifies components of evaluation activities’ logical structure. The main emphasis is on legal mediation of educational organizations’ appraisal. The author examines legal basis of educational organizations’ appraisal, highlights types of documents on issues relating to quality appraisal and performance evaluation of educational organizations. The author analyzes both the federal regulatory level, and regional, municipal, and local levels of the regulatory impact. The author notes key legal problems of the emerging system of educational institutions’ performance evaluation at various levels of public authority. The author considers some negative consequences of the introduction of the system of educational organizations’ performance appraisal.

Education, evaluation (appraisal), quality, performance, education authorities, performance indicators.

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