The article presents the results of ecological tests for the study of winter triticale varieties of domestic and foreign selection, forming high and stable grain productivity with good handling qualities in the Republic of Mari El. We highlighted the varieties with the highest capacity adapted to the conditions of a particular region. As a result of years of research, conducted at Mari scientific and research institute, in a natural soil fertility conditions, we can make a conclusion, that controlling variety Antey in accordance with the productivity exceeded Dubrava, Nemchinovskiy 56 varieties, and in fertilized background it exceeded Dubrava, Nemchinovskiy 56 and Ustinya. Calculations of economic efficiency of winter crops cultivation confirm the effectiveness of cultivation of such winter triticale varieties, as Nemchinovskiy 56, Dubrava and Ustinya on natural fertility level, where the profitability level of production amounted 144.8; 141.7 and 133.1%, respectively. According to the results of studies, the guide on assortment of winter triticale, adapted to the conditions in the Republic of Mari El, was designed.
winter triticale, ecology, adaptation, productivity, variety, harvest, economy.
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