Sankt-Peterburg, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation
UDK 338.242.4 Государственное вмешательство в рыночную экономику
The transport and logistics industry, being the "circulatory system" of the economy, has been subjected to serious sanctions pressure. The preservation of the effective functioning of national and regional logistics systems in the conditions of the current geopolitical situation is the most important factor in the stability of the national economy. At the same time, the logistics market of St. Petersburg is in an increased risk zone. The methodological approach proposed in the article to making strategic decisions aimed at preserving the stability of the transport and logistics market (on the example of St. Petersburg) is based on the segmentation of market participants with the subsequent development of targeted measures of state support
stability of the logistics market, risks in logistics, logistics under sanctions, transport and logistics enterprises, measures of state support
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