Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article examines the legal basis for the use of video conferencing in investigative actions. Attention is drawn to the tendency to expand the possibility of carrying out investigative actions by an alternative method - a discriminatory one, the prerequisites for the formation of which were legislative discussions of a number of draft laws. It is proved that, despite the evolution of the institute of video conferencing in criminal proceedings, it still raises questions about the admissibility of the use of this technology in the production of individual investigative actions. Based on the analysis of the legislation, the possibilities of using video conferencing are determined, from the standpoint of the admissibility criteria that establish the requirements for the proper: subject, procedural action, form of evidence, procedure for using video conferencing. The necessity of developing a general rule clarifying the criteria for the admissibility of the use of a remote method of conducting investigative actions and ensuring guarantees of the rights of participants is argued.

investigative actions, video conferencing, admissibility, rights
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