Abakan, Abakan, Russian Federation
UDK 93/94 История
UDK 94 Всеобщая история
UDK 332.1 Региональная экономика. Территориальная экономика
Based on archival documents and literature, the article analyzes the personnel issue that developed in the industry of Khakassia in the 1920s - early 1940s. In particular, attention is paid to quantitative and qualitative changes in the personnel composition of the industry, which were ambiguous. On the one hand, they contributed to the modernization of the region's economy (an increase in the number of industrial personnel, the involvement of women), on the other hand, they significantly slowed down this process (the presence of an imbalance in the sectoral and territorial structures of industrial personnel).
industry, Khakassia, personnel, economic policy, quantitative and qualitative indicators
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