The article deals with the formation programs of individual tours. Based on the selection of specific features of individual tourist programs the authors define individual tourism stating that the main specific features of the individual tour is that the product is developed based on the desires and preferences of a particular tourist. It is shown that the individual tourist product allows meeting the needs of the tourist. Topicality is determined by the characteristics of the tourism market at the moment. The crisis that characterize Russian tourism today force to seek new approaches and new content in tourist activity in order to suggest possible ways to diversify the tourist offer, one of which is the individualization of tourist programs. The article also examines the specifics of individual programs, tours, given comparative characteristics according to different characteristics of mass and individual tourism products. Identified are the main advantages and disadvantages of acquisitions and trip planning of the individual program for tourists. The authors cover the basic steps and principles of formation and promotion of individual tourism products. Revealed is a difference in the sequence of the process of its development over the standard tour. Based on the study of offers of tourist companies categories of the most popular destinations of individual tourism are identified on the basis of which a classification of individual programs is proposed. On the basis of the study in the article suggested are the main characteristics of the different categories of consumers of individual tourism products. The article shows the prospects for the development of individual tourism products in the Russian tourist market. Based on the analysis of the actual supply of tourist services identified are the advantages and disadvantages of individual tours. The necessity of developing specific standards of service is explained. Due to the fact that the individual trip of tourists have special expectations, it is necessary to ensure the highest quality level of service in accordance with the program of travel. Characterized are the features of the technology of individual tourism, which aims to create a unique product.
individual tourism, individual tourism product, program of the individual trip, types of customers, demand for individual tours, FIT-tourism, VIP-tourism.
Введение. Развитие программ индивидуальных туров является одним из приоритетных направлений туристической деятельности. Уникальный и привлекательный туристкой продукт, способствующий максимальному удовлетворению потребностей клиента, положительно влияет на успех коммерческой деятельности на рынке туризма. Однако сегодня существует мало исследований, каких-либо научных работ, раскрывающих сущность и перспективы индивидуальных туров.
В статье предложено к рассмотрению авторское определение понятия «индивидуального туризма», выявляется сущность и характеристика индивидуального туристского продукта, раскрываются основные составляющие элементы процесса его формирования.
В качестве методики исследования применялись экспертные методы обработки и получения информации. Также использовались методы экономического и статистического
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