Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The paper studies the process of uneven load at longitudinal milling by small tool cross-conical cutters of sawing machines. Non-uniformity of process load during milling by specified cutters was quantitatively evaluated by the indicator of the non-uniformity of the technological load during cycle of processing of logs and sawn timbers and wood chips. For small tool cutters, this figure is the ratio of the maximum total length of the cutting edges of cutters to the average length of their cutting edges simultaneously participating in a cutting cycle for processing of wood (turnover of cutters). Butt-tapered (conical) small tool cutters were conventionally considered as a discrete set of stepped cylindrical cutters, i.e. as often case of small tool cutter. The process of interaction of cutters with the wood for its processing cycle was divided into four zones (periods): I zone – time of insertion off all cutters of the group into the timber; II zone – the period of all cutters and serial outputs of them from the timber; III zone – period of successive outputs of cutters from wood; IV zone – period of approach of neighboring group cutters. The size and relative orientation of the time of these zones in the steady cutting defines the different nature of the interaction of cutters with the wood with varying intensity of process load. Mathematical relationships of these zones and taking it into account – dependence of the definition of the index of uneven process load per cycle of wood processing were obtained, calculations were made and a number of parameters cutters were substantiated. The effect on the rate of uneven width, height, milling, as well as the angle of rotation of cutters in the center plane of milling cutter was defined.

small tool cross-conical cutter, indicator of uneven process load, sawing machine.

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