Currently aeroionization is widely used in various areas: residential, public and industrial premises, agriculture, medicine, where purification of air and beneficial effects of negative ions on living organisms is supposed. The article investigates aeroionization method of curing intensification of coatings on wood, developed in the Ural State Forestry University. Application of methods of accelerated drying (curing) of coatings on wood can reduce production cycle of wood products. Acceleration of physical and chemical processes of curing of coatings is possible when giving additional energy. Aeroionization affects the physical processes such as surface tension, wetting, and spreading of the paint material in the formation of coatings and adhesion to the substrate. As a result of the study surface tension and wetting angle of paint on wood is determined. The surface tension of liquid water-dispersion paints was determined by the method of Rebinder. The kinetics of the contact angle at aeroionization was determined by an optical method. According to the results of statistical analysis of experimental data and substituting obtained values in the transformed equation of Jung we received graphic dependences of the adhesion work of contact angle with the soil VD-AK "Ecogrunt" of wood in natural conditions and during ionization. Results of calculations confirm an increase in adhesion of coating, cured at aeroionization. By calculation the energy of the electric field is determined, superimposed by the emitter of aeroionizer on curable coating. Dependence of the electric field energy of aeroionizer at the substrate surface of coating from the distance from the emitter is graphically presented. Reducing the distance between the emitter and the surface of coating at wood substrate increases the electric field energy and improves wettability and adhesion strength of the coating.
wetting angle, contact angle, wetting, film formation, aeroionization, intensification, curing, drying of coatings, wood
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