Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
Voronezh, Voronezh, Russian Federation
When laying the Olympic Park of Sochi there was a need in the selection of soil substrates corresponding to the projected plants. When working on the preparation of the construction site wetlands of Imereti lowland were subjected to drainage. Prior to the formation of soil-like structures of the prepared soil substrates, samples for analysis were taken. One hundred and seventy-one soil samples were subjected to particle size and chemical analysis in the laboratory. The results of mechanical studies let to divided substrates in granulometric composition and make recommendations for their use as the underlying soils. The chemical analysis showed that alkaline environment is dominated throughout the park. The average content of organic substance in soils is 2.39 %. The content of nitrogen available to plants is small and on average it is equal to 0.13 %. Number of exchangeable calcium and magnesium is within the allowable limits. High content of available phosphorus and potassium is noted. The content of total forms of arsenic and mercury does not exceed the permissible limits. The concentration of mobile forms of heavy metals such as (Cu, Pb, Cd, Ni and Co) does not exceed background values, only in one case the content of cadmium in clay loam is out of limits – 1.5 mg/kg. According to the content of zinc and manganese situation is more difficult, about a quarter of the samples shows high content of heavy metals. Analysis of the aqueous extract showed that the investigated substrates are not saline; their samples do not include soluble salts which are dangerous to plants. Based on the results of experiments separately for each studied parameter, the conclusion on the suitability of the soil for the purpose of planting soil is made.
soil-like structure, granulometric analysis, chemical analysis, aqueous extract
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