Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Restriction of access to data of forest inventory leads to difficulties in the implementation of scientific developments in the field of forestry, as a significant part of them until the business implementation passes a way of testing and improvements carried out actually on the enthusiasm of developers. Taking into account difficulty in obtaining forest inventory data for research in the article there is an example of the definition of information on forest plantations on the basis of the decryption freeware remote sensing data from Landsat 8 (OLI). One advantage of the processing of these data is their accessibility to any territory of Russia, as well as the presence of a significant number of spectral channels, which allows using different methods of analysis of satellite imagery to determine the characteristics of forest stands. Based on the information assignment of forestry activities for the care of forests is made and the proportion of various activities in the overall system of care for forests is assessed. The results show the possibility of using modern methods of processing of satellite data for a preliminary analysis of forest resources in a certain area in order to obtain information on forest plantations. When working to verify the results reference areas were used laid down in the stands of different composition. When conducting field experiments we focused on the naturally-formed plantings in place of clearcuts. Data of test plots were associated with automatic classification standards that are being implemented in the program Envi. In areas with a lack of data on test plots verification was carried out using partially materials of forest inventory, as well as of remote shooting of high-resolution 1.2 m placed in the public domain on Google and Yandex services. The results show the possibility of a preliminary analysis of the potential destination of different activities of forest care based on freely available data of Earth remote sensing (ERS).
thinning, analysis of satellite data Landsat 8, composition of plantations, capacity assessment of purpose of forestry activities
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